Saturday, March 23, 2013

New work


These are the latest additions to my painting collection. Feel free to comment on the first two especially.  This is a diptick of yellow birch and the two pics show the same two canvases but in a different order, not sure which way I like the best.  I think I am calling it Yellow Birch Road, no it is not from Kansas.  The next is a pair of ravens, my favorite bird.  The background is really faded to make the birds feel like they are out in an open meadow, perhaps too much me thinks.  The last last is  a jackpine that grew out of what seems like solid rock.  The picture that I adapted this from shows the tree is actually alive and really distorted like my interpretation.  I didn't think the needles added much and just diappeared into the background.  After critique by my Fri drop in group and my wife and my son even added a valid point, I did some minor allterations not shown here.

That is about all I have to add but remember to put April 30, May 1 on your Calendar and come to  ReginArts first show at the Delta Hotel , Verdi Room between 11 and 8pm.  We have 8 wonderfull artists showing and selling  6 different types of art.  Paintings, stone sculpture, wood turnings, artistic furniture, fused glass hangings, jewellery,metal sculpture etc..  We have a silent auction going on with all proceeds going to Regina Transition House.  The artists involved are donating the art for that part of the show.
So Drop In, its free and you will definately see something you will like and we will try hard to make sure you take it home.  Who knows we may even deliver.
Till next blog, have fun.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A new look?

In these new works I am trying to incorporate the ideas that Andre has tried to teach me during our time together in Costa Rica.  I think the waterfall comes close to impressionism and parts of the cabin do. I do not often do stuctures like the cabin but that was one thing Andre was getting me to do.  It was also from a picture of a cabin at Herb Lake Landing which I had actually been in when I worked in Snow Lake, Manitoba.  Herb Lake Landing was an almost ghost town then with only a couple of commercial fishermen and trappers using the remaining buildings on a seasonal basis.  Now if I can find some reasonably priced frames I may show these at the ReginArt show April 30, May 1 at the Delta Hotel.  It is always nice to get public reaction to your work.  You are all wecome to join the seven Regina artists in this our first of what we hope will be an annual event.