Monday, July 29, 2013

After the TRIP

My latest small carvings,  for scale reference these are about the size of my hand.  I have concentrated on smaller pieces for the up coming fall sales.  Reflections of Nature in Saskatoon on Oct. 25-27;  Wintergreen in Regina on Nov. 15-17 and Sundog in Saskatoon  Nov. 29-Dec. 1.  If you are in those areas during those dates be sure to drop in and see the new art works.

The recent trip to Yukon/Alaska/Haida Gwaii/ Vancouver Island/Fernie/Waterton  was a great trip and we brought back many photos of some great places.  The highlites for me were Dawson Cityand the Alaska coastal communities especially Sitka and Petersberg; and Haida Gwaii.  But the entire trip was absolutely fabulous.We live in such a great and beautiful country with such a diverse wonderful population, we really should take better care of our world so everyone gets to enjoy it.  Hopefully I can develop some paintings from all of the stunning things we have seen along the way.