Saturday, November 2, 2013

Well another month has come and gone and I have been busy but I can't quite figure out what I have accomplished in terms of my art.  I have a couple of new small paintings done and by request, one new carving that is not quite finished.  We did the Reflections of Nature, Wildlife art show and competition.  Didn't put anything in the competition but set up a display booth.  My two lovely grand daughters did enter photographs in the junior competition and showed very well.  They each took home some well earned in the ribbons.

A carving of a Lynx I had in Canmore sold.  Another person came in the next day wanting the same piece so All in the Wild Gallery asked me if I would do another similar piece.  I had to find appropriate stone and did that.  The carving gave me some problems, mostly because I have not been doing much in stone lately, but after two attempts I am ready to start the fine sanding.  I'll do the fine detail once that is done and then the finish.  The pic is of it as of today.